what we do


  • Participation

    We promote participation and mutual learning as fundamental purposes of the process developed.

  • Rigurosity

    We are rigorous in the methodology and we adapt the service or product offered to the demands of our clients.

  • Flexibility

    We are flexible and adapt to the needs emerging in the process.

  • Commitment

    We commit ourselves to the people and strictly comply with what is agreed upon in a timely manner.

  • Values

    We act with honesty, objectivity, transparency and confidentiality.



Sector de gobernabilidad democratica



Democratic institutions development and active civil society organizations support.

sector de servicios sociales basicos

Basic Social


Education, health, water and sanitation, and basic housing.

Sector crecimiento economico inclusivo y desarrollo productivo

Inclusive Economic Growth

& Productive Development

Support to public and private initiatives to create and distribute wealth.

Sector de desarrollo rural y lucha contra el hambre

Rural development & Fight Against Hunger

Food and nutritional security and strengthening of territorial institutions.

Sector sostenibilidad Ambiental

Environmental Sustainability

Inclusion of the principles of sustainable development in all national policies and programmes to reverse the loss of environmental resources.

Sector de genero en desarrollo

Gender in Development

Programmes to enhance empowerment and ensuring real independence of women.

Sector de educacion para el desarrollo

Development Education

Driving all education processes (formal and informal) that pursue to promote global citizenship generating a culture of solidarity involved in the fight against poverty and exclusion, as well as in the promotion of sustainable human development.

sector de accion humanitaria

Humanitarian Action

Assistance to victims of disasters and emergencies, pre-disaster preparedness (resilience), and post-disaster rehabilitation.