Intervention: The II Quadrennial Action Plan for Ibero-American Cooperation (II PACCI) 2019-2022, constitutes the basic planning element in which the guidelines and priorities for Ibero-American Cooperation of the Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB) are established. The Strategic Axes defined in the program are the following: 1. Strengthen the Iberomarican Cooperation System; 2. Inclusion, Poverty and Inequality; 3. Knowledge and Higher Education; 4. Gender Equality; 5. Culture; 6. Environmental Dimension; 7. Innovation, Digital Transformation.
Service: Final evaluation guided by the Theory of the Program with a systemic perspective. This approach identifies how the program works by reconstructing a theoretical framework showing causal relationships between resources, processes and results; structuring the entire inquiry process through this framework; and analyzing the program as a set of articulated and interdependent elements that make up a system, identifying how the variation of one of the elements affects the others. Therefore, this method allows to better understand the program, identifies successful causal chains and allows changing the elements that are not working.