Intervention: Living together without discrimination: an approach based on human rights and a gender perspective, approved under the Emergency Trust Fund in Africa and implemented in Morocco by FIIAPP as a co-delegated entity with AECID
SEP 2021 - MAY 2022
Intervention: Living together without discrimination: an approach based on human rights and a gender perspective, approved under the Emergency Trust Fund in Africa and implemented in Morocco by FIIAPP as a co-delegated entity with AECID
Service: Mid-term evaluation in order to analyse the progress of the project and the quality of its ongoing implementation processes, including the quality of the processes to ensure the integration of the gender perspective in the actions. Final evaluation to measure the achievements of the project and analyse how the recommendations of the intermediate evaluation have been applied and have contributed to the achievement of the expected results and objectives, and guide the continuation of the actions within the framework of new proposals.
Country: Morocco